QHD đã kết thúc xu hướng điều chỉnh trung hạn

by finandlife11/08/2016 17:19

Target mới 85.

Một số bác theo dõi FINANDLIFE chắc từng thắc mắc “sao bác không bán đi, lời nhiều quá rồi”. Thời gian là bạn của nhà đầu tư, giữ lâu lãi kép giúp tiền đẻ tiền nên lãi nhiều là phải, cấu trúc kỳ hạn của lãi suất cũng vậy thôi, tenor dài bao giờ cũng được giá hơn tenor thấp (trừ trường hợp khủng hoảng). Ngoài ra, doanh nghiệp vẫn làm ăn phát đạt, vẫn growth, why sell?





I am currently serving as an Investment Manager at Vietcap Securities JSC, leveraging 16 years of experience in investment analysis. My journey began as a junior analyst at a fund in 2007, allowing me to cultivate a profound understanding of Vietnam's macroeconomics, conduct meticulous equity research, and actively pursue lucrative investment opportunities. Furthermore, I hold the position of Head of Derivatives, equipped with extensive knowledge and expertise in derivatives, ETFs, and CWs.


To document my insights and share personal perspectives, I maintain a private blog where I store valuable information. However, it is essential to acknowledge that the content provided on my blog is solely based on my own opinions and does not carry a guarantee of certainty. Consequently, I cannot assume responsibility for any trading or investing activities carried out based on the information shared. Nonetheless, I wholeheartedly welcome any questions or inquiries you may have. You can contact me via email at thuong.huynhngoc@gmail.com.


Thank you for your understanding, and I eagerly anticipate engaging with you on topics concerning investments and finance.

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