Triển vọng ngành logistics Việt Nam

by finandlife31/07/2016 22:30

Chi phí vận tải, lưu kho, lưu bãi, thủ tục hải quan, giấy tờ khác… ở VN chiếm 21-25%/GDP, tương đương 37-40 tỷ USD.

Vận hội cho VN:

§     Các FTA với EU, HQ, TPP

§     Sự chuyển dịch FDI về VN

Sản lượng hàng hóa container tăng trưởng tốc độ bình quân 17.42%/năm trong giai đoạn 1999-2014.

Sản lượng hàng hóa thông qua khu vực miền Nam chiếm 66.6%, miền Bắc chiếm 30.5%, miền Trung chiếm 2.9%


Nguồn: Gelex

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I am currently serving as an Investment Manager at Vietcap Securities JSC, leveraging 16 years of experience in investment analysis. My journey began as a junior analyst at a fund in 2007, allowing me to cultivate a profound understanding of Vietnam's macroeconomics, conduct meticulous equity research, and actively pursue lucrative investment opportunities. Furthermore, I hold the position of Head of Derivatives, equipped with extensive knowledge and expertise in derivatives, ETFs, and CWs.


To document my insights and share personal perspectives, I maintain a private blog where I store valuable information. However, it is essential to acknowledge that the content provided on my blog is solely based on my own opinions and does not carry a guarantee of certainty. Consequently, I cannot assume responsibility for any trading or investing activities carried out based on the information shared. Nonetheless, I wholeheartedly welcome any questions or inquiries you may have. You can contact me via email at


Thank you for your understanding, and I eagerly anticipate engaging with you on topics concerning investments and finance.

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