Kết quả thăm dò cho thấy nhà đầu tư đang sợ hãi nhất FED/QE, Ebola và phân tích kỹ thuật.

by finandlife17/10/2014 09:33

Một điểm thú vị mà tác giả nhận thấy qua những cuộc thăm dò này là những người Mỹ có mối lo ngại nhiều hơn về việc yếu đi của nền kinh tế Mỹ và Ebola mà ít quan tâm hơn về những vấn đề của Trung Quốc, cũng như chính sách tiền tệ.


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Cách đầu tư theo lý thuyết chu kỳ

by finandlife12/10/2014 10:28

Nhìn vào 6 chỉ số mà Fedelity sử dụng để xác định chu kỳ kinh doanh, có thể nói rằng, kinh tế Việt Nam đang chuyển tiếp từ trạng thái suy thoái (RECESSION) sang trạng thái sớm (EARLY). Theo đó, 5 trong 6 biểu hiện cho thấy nền kinh tế đang trong trạng thái EARLY như: (1) GDP và sản xuất công nghiệp phục hồi (2) Lợi nhuận doanh nghiệp tăng trở lại (3) Chính sách kinh tế kích cầu (4) Tồn kho đang ở mức thấp (5) Doanh số bắt đầu tăng. Tuy nhiên, vẫn còn 1 biểu hiện của thời kỳ RECESSION là tín dụng vẫn chưa tăng nổi.

Điều này cũng phù hợp với lý thuyết chu kỳ của Kondratieff. Theo đó, nền kinh tế Việt Nam đang chuyển mùa từ “Mùa Đông” sang “Mùa Xuân”.

Lãi suất đã giảm mạnh trước đó, sau đó tăng do những khó khăn thanh khoản hệ thống ngân hàng giai đoạn 2011, và hiện nay giảm về vùng rất thấp. Diễn biến này khớp với chu kỳ “MÙA ĐÔNG” và “MÙA XUÂN”. Lưu ý: Việt Nam chưa xảy ra khủng hoảng tín dụng thật sự, nhưng sự mất thanh khoản và hệ thống đặt trước vấn đề sống còn trong năm 2011 được xem như “cuộc khủng hoảng tín dụng kiểu Việt Nam”.

Tăng trưởng tín dụng đang rất chậm chạp, phù hợp với chu kỳ của “MÙA XUÂN”.

Lạm phát giảm rất nhanh và đang duy trì ở vùng thấp, phù hợp với chu kỳ của “MÙA ĐÔNG”. Lưu ý, Việt Nam là một quốc gia đang phát triển, nên không xảy ra giảm phát hoàn toàn, hiện tượng lạm phát thấp như hiện nay cũng được xem như “giảm phát kiểu Việt Nam”.

Lòng tin người dân: Sau giai đoạn lo lắng, sợ hãi, đau khổ, tuyệt vọng, hiện Việt Nam đang chuyển sang giai đoạn “lòng tin mong manh”, phù hợp với chu kỳ “MÙA XUÂN”.

Một điểm lý thú và mang tính ứng dụng hữu ích của cả 2 lý thuyết chu kỳ này là việc phân bổ danh mục đầu tư vào từng lớp tài sản. Với từng trạng thái kinh tế khác nhau, tác giả khuyến nghị chúng ta nên lựa chọn những loại tài sản khác nhau nhằm tối ưu hóa lợi ích mà tài sản đó mang lại. Theo đó, với trạng thái kinh tế hiện tại của Việt Nam, chúng ta nên lựa chọn việc mua vào cổ phiếu, hạn chế giữ trái phiếu và gửi tiền tiết kiệm vì giá cổ phiếu thường tăng trưởng rất mạnh trong giai đoạn này. Liên hệ thực tế tại Việt Nam, chúng ta đã chứng kiến sự tăng điểm ngoạn mục của thị trường chứng khoán trong 1 năm qua, và xu hướng này chưa sớm dừng lại, chúng tôi vẫn tiếp tục khuyến nghị nhà đầu tư ưu tiên mua vào cổ phiếu.


Nguồn: finandlife

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Economics | Psychology

How to invest using the business cycle

by finandlife12/10/2014 08:52

Use economic signals to see what investments may shine at what turn in the business cycle.

Although every business cycle is different, our historical analysis suggests that the rhythm (nhịp điệu) of cyclical fluctuations in the economy has tended to follow similar patterns. Moreover, performance across asset categories typically rotates in line with different phases of the business cycle. As a result, a business cycle approach to asset allocation can add value as part of an intermediate-term investment strategy.

Understanding the business cycle

Every business cycle is different in its own way, but certain patterns have tended to repeat themselves over time. Fluctuations in the business cycle are essentially distinct changes in the rate of growth in economic activity, particularly changes in three key cycles—the corporate profit cycle, the credit cycle, and the inventory cycle—as well as changes in the employment backdrop and monetary policy. While unforeseen macroeconomic events or shocks can sometimes disrupt (phá vỡ) a trend, changes in these key indicators historically have provided a relatively reliable guide to recognizing the different phases of an economic cycle. Our quantitatively backed, probabilistic approach helps in identifying, with a reasonable degree of confidence, the state of the business cycle at different points in time. Specifically, there are four distinct phases of a typical business cycle (see chart, below):

•          Early-cycle phase: Generally a sharp recovery from recession, marked by an inflection from negative to positive growth in economic activity (e.g., gross domestic product, industrial production), then an accelerating growth rate. Credit conditions stop tightening amid easy monetary policy, creating a healthy environment for rapid margin expansion and profit growth. Business inventories are low, while sales growth improves significantly.

•          Mid-cycle phase: Typically the longest phase of the business cycle. The mid-cycle is characterized by a positive but more moderate rate of growth than that experienced during the early-cycle phase. Economic activity gathers momentum, credit growth becomes strong, and profitability is healthy against an accommodative—though increasingly neutral—monetary policy backdrop. Inventories and sales grow, reaching equilibrium (sự cân bằng) relative to each other.

•          Late-cycle phase: Emblematic (/ˌembləˈmætɪk/ adj formal seeming to represent or be a sign of something; biểu tượng, tượng trưng) of an “overheated” economy poised to slip into recession and hindered by above-trend rates of inflation. Economic growth rates slow to “stall speed” against a backdrop of restrictive monetary policy, tightening credit availability, and deteriorating corporate profit margins. Inventories tend to build unexpectedly as sales growth declines.

•          Recession phase: Features (=emblematic) a contraction in economic activity. Corporate profits decline and credit is scarce for all economic factors. Monetary policy becomes more accommodative and inventories gradually fall despite low sales levels, setting up for the next recovery.

The business cycle has four distinct phases, with the example of the U.S. in a mid-cycle expansion in mid-2014.


Note: This is a hypothetical illustration of a typical business cycle. There is not always a chronological progression in this order, and there have been cycles when the economy has skipped a phase or retraced an earlier one. Economically sensitive assets include stocks and high-yield corporate bonds, while less economically sensitive assets include Treasury bonds and cash. Please see endnotes for a complete discussion. Source: Fidelity Investments (AART).

Asset class performance patterns

Historically, performance for stocks and bonds has been heavily influenced by the business cycle.


Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Asset class total returns are represented by indexes from the following sources: Fidelity Investments, Ibbotson Associates, Barclays, as of Jul. 31, 2014. Source: Fidelity Investments proprietary analysis of historical asset class performance, which is not indicative of future performance.

Looking at the performance of stocks, bonds, and cash from 1950 to 2010, we can see that shifts between business cycle phases create differentiation in asset price performance (see chart, right). In general, the performance of economically sensitive assets such as stocks tends to be the strongest when growth is rising at an accelerating rate during the early cycle, then moderates through the other phases until returns generally decline during recessions. By contrast, defensive assets such as investment-grade bonds and cash-like short-term debt have experienced the opposite pattern, with their highest returns during a recession and the weakest relative performance during the early cycle.

Asset allocation decisions are rooted in relative asset class performance, and there is significant potential to enhance portfolio performance by tilting exposures to the major asset classes based on shifts in the business cycle. Investors can implement the business cycle approach to asset allocation by overweighting asset classes that tend to outperform during a given business cycle phase, while underweighting those asset classes that tend to underperform. In the early cycle, for example, the investor using this approach would overweight stocks and underweight bonds and cash.

In the analysis that follows, we consider asset class performance patterns across the phases of the business cycle, both on an absolute basis and using several measures relative to a long-term strategic allocation to a balanced benchmark portfolio of 50% stocks, 40% bonds, and 10% cash (see “Analyzing relative asset class performance,” below). Business cycles since 1950 are represented, and all data are annualized for comparison purposes.

Analyzing relative asset class performance

Certain metrics help us evaluate the historical performance of each asset class relative to the strategic allocation by revealing the potential magnitude of out- or underperformance during each phase, as well as the reliability of those historical performance patterns (see chart, below).

•        Full-phase average performance: Calculates the (geometric) average performance of an asset class in a particular phase of the business cycle and subtracts the performance of the benchmark portfolio. This method better captures the impact of compounding and performance that is experienced across full market cycles (i.e., longer holding periods). However, performance outliers may skew results.

•        Median monthly difference: For each month, calculates the difference in the performance for an asset class compared to the benchmark portfolio, and then takes the midpoint of those observations. This measure is indifferent to when a return period begins during a phase, which makes it a good measure for investors who may miss significant portions of each business cycle phase. This method mutes the extreme performance differences of outliers, and also underemphasizes the impact of compounding returns.

•        Cycle hit rate: Calculates the frequency of an asset class outperforming the benchmark portfolio over each business cycle phase since 1950. This measure represents the consistency of asset class performance relative to the broader market over different cycles, removing the possibility that outsized gains during one period in history influence overall averages. This method suffers somewhat from small sample sizes, with only 10 full cycles during the period, but persistent out- or underperformance can still be observed.

Early-cycle phase

Lasting an average of about one year, the early phase of the business cycle has historically produced the most robust stock performance on an absolute basis (see chart, below). Stocks have typically benefited more than bonds and cash from the backdrop of low interest rates, the first signs of economic improvement, and the rebound in corporate earnings. Relative to the long-term strategic allocation, stocks have exhibited (trưng ra) the greatest outperformance in the early cycle, while bonds and cash have experienced the deepest underperformance (see chart below). A hallmark (dấu hiệu) of this phase is that hit rates against the balanced benchmark are the most definitive, which may give investors greater conviction to (tin để) overweight riskier assets and underweight more defensive asset classes during the early cycle.

Relative to a balanced benchmark, economically sensitive stocks have tended to do well in the early- and mid-cycle phases, bonds have tended to do well in the recessionary phase, and performance has been mixed during the late-cycle phase.


Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Asset class total returns are represented by indexes from the following sources: Fidelity Investments, Ibbotson Associates, Barclays, as of Jul. 31, 2014. Source: Fidelity Investments proprietary analysis of historical asset class performance, which is not indicative of future performance.

Mid-cycle phase

Averaging nearly three years, the mid-cycle phase tends to be significantly longer than any other phase of the business cycle. As the economy moves beyond its initial stage of recovery and growth rates moderate during the mid-cycle, the leadership of economically sensitive assets has typically tapered. On an absolute basis, stock market performance has tended to be fairly strong though not as robust as in the early-cycle phase, while bonds and cash have continued to post lower returns than equities in the mid-cycle. This phase is also when most stock market corrections have taken place. Measured by average and median differences as well as hit rates, the mid-cycle pattern of performance relative to the strategic allocation is similar to that of the early cycle, with bonds and cash trailing stocks. However, both the magnitude and frequency of out- and underperformance have been more muted, justifying more moderate portfolio tilts (độ nghiêng) than during the early phase.

Late-cycle phase

The late-cycle phase has an average duration of roughly a year and a half. As the recovery matures, inflationary pressures build, interest rates rise, and investors start to shift away from economically sensitive areas. On an absolute basis, average stock performance is roughly in line with cash. The rising interest rates that typically accompany this phase of the business cycle tend to weigh on the performance of longer-duration bonds, which lags the absolute returns to shorter-duration cash. Across the asset classes, the late cycle has the most mixed performance relative to the strategic allocation, and the hit rates and relative performance are the lowest of the expansion phases. In general, stocks have exhibited somewhat better performance on some metrics during the late cycle, and cash tends to outperform bonds, but the indefinite frequency and magnitude of relative performance warrant more neutral allocations relative to the benchmark portfolio.

Recession phase

The recession phase has historically been the shortest, lasting nine months on average from 1950 to 2010. As economic growth stalls and contracts, assets that are more economically sensitive fall out of favor, and those that are defensively oriented move to the front of the performance line. The stock market has performed poorly during this phase. Cash has continued to play a defensive role, while the falling interest-rate environment typically seen during recessions acts as a major tailwind (a wind blowing in the same direction that something or someone is travelling) for bonds. Performance patterns relative to the strategic allocation have been significantly different in recessions than in the other three phases, most notably in the high frequency of outperformance for bonds, and the opposite for stocks. Cash positions also enjoy their best performance relative to the balanced benchmark, albeit with only moderate hit rates. This phase of the business cycle tends to favor a high conviction in more defensive allocations.

Sector performance rotations within asset classes

Equity sector relative performance has tended to be differentiated across business cycle phases.


Unshaded (white) portions above suggest no clear pattern of over- or underperformance vs. broader market. Double +/– signs indicate that the sector is showing a consistent signal across all three metrics: full-phase average performance, median monthly difference, and cycle hit rate. A single +/– indicates a mixed or less consistent signal. Source: Fidelity Investments (AART).

Similar patterns of relative performance can be identified across sectors of the major asset classes, such as equity sectors or different credit qualities in the fixed income universe. Within equity markets, more economically sensitive sectors such as technology and industrials tend to do better in the early- and mid-cycle phases, while more defensively oriented sectors such as consumer staples and health care have historically exhibited better performance during the more sluggish economic growth in the late-cycle and recession phases (see chart, right, and Viewpoints article “Sector investing: business cycle approach,” Sep. 2014).

Bond market sectors have also exhibited economic sensitivity. More credit-sensitive fixed-income sectors (such as high-yield corporate bonds) have tended to do better in the early phase of the cycle, while less economically sensitive areas (such as government and other investment-grade bonds) have done relatively well in slowdowns and recessions. For instance, high-yield corporates have averaged strong annual gains during the early cycle but have been roughly flat in recessions, when interest rate-sensitive investment-grade bonds have exhibited solid positive returns. Many fixed-income categories that are fairly new to the marketplace have limited history and hence smaller sample sizes that make historical performance analysis less useful. Nevertheless, comparing the performance of credit and interest-rate sensitive bonds across the phases illustrates that business cycle-based asset allocation within a fixed income portfolio has considerable potential to generate active returns (see chart, above).

Merits of the business cycle approach

The economic sensitivity of high-yield bonds has caused them to behave more like equities than investment-grade bonds.


Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Asset class total returns are represented by indexes from the following sources: Fidelity Investments, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Ibbotson Associates, Barclays, as of Jul. 31, 2014. Source: Fidelity Investments proprietary analysis of historical asset class performance, which is not indicative of future performance.

There is generally broad agreement among many academics and market participants that economic factors influence asset prices. However, while academic research has shown that asset allocation decisions can be responsible for anywhere between 40% and 90% of return variability among portfolios, there is still debate over the best way to incorporate economic factors into asset allocation approaches.1

Other business cycle approaches

Some approaches feature economic indicators as important drivers. One of the most widely used paradigms for economically linked asset allocation decisions is to specify the economy as being in one of two states, expansion or contraction. The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) is generally considered to be the official arbiter of U.S. recessions, and its methodology tends to be either wholly or partly borrowed by market participants. Because recessions have generally experienced significant differentiation among asset class performance relative to the rest of the cycle, the NBER’s dating scheme has historically offered solid opportunities for active asset allocation.

However, many of these economic approaches have significant shortcomings. First, some may have a strong theoretical backing but lack the ability to be practically applied, often relying on data that are revised frequently or not released on a timely basis. For instance, the NBER announced the beginning of the most recent recession a full 12 months after the fact. Second, the binary approach is not granular enough to catch major shifts in asset price performance during the lengthy expansion phase, which reduces the potential for capturing active returns.

Other asset allocation paradigms also include market-based asset price signals. These tend to shift phase identifications more quickly than models based purely on the economy, likely due to the fast pace of asset market price movements. For example, one prominent strategy uses earnings yield—a function of corporate profits and stock prices—and recent stock market returns as primary inputs to an asset allocation model, which at times has shifted through all four phases in a one- or two-year period. While such strategies may capture more trading opportunities than the more economically based models, frequent portfolio composition changes often generate higher turnover and transaction costs. Those strategies based more on asset price movements also have a greater likelihood of being whipsawed by price volatility, and they can be susceptible to false signals based on temporary investor optimism or pessimism.

Some alternative asset allocation approaches center on forecasting gross domestic product (GDP) and inferring asset market performance from those forecasts, but historical analysis has shown a relatively low correlation between GDP growth rates and stock or bond market investment rates of return over a cyclical time frame.

Our approach to business cycle investing

Our quantitatively backed, probabilistic approach encompasses a number of key attributes:

First, the approach focuses on critical drivers of relative asset performance. As demonstrated above, there is a large differential in asset performance across the various phases of the business cycle. A key to identifying the phase of the cycle is to focus on the direction and rate of change of key indicators, rather than the overall level of activity. We focus on economic indicators that are most closely linked with asset market returns, such as corporate profitability, the provisioning of credit throughout the economy, and inventory buildups or drawdowns across various industries.

Second, we employ a practical and repeatable framework that provides a solid foundation and can be applied more consistently. Our business cycle dating scheme measures high-quality indicators that have a greater probability of representing economic reality and are not dependent on perfect hindsight. For instance, tangible measures such as inventory data are less likely to be revised or present false signals compared to other, broader indicators such as GDP growth. We use a disciplined, model-driven approach that helps minimize the behavioral tendency to pay too much attention to recent price movements and momentum, called the extrapolation bias, which is a common pitfall suffered by many investors.

Third, the cycle phases we employ are grounded in distinct, intermediate-term fundamental trends, typically only shifting over periods of several months or longer. This approach unfolds more slowly than tactical approaches, whose frequent shifts can whipsaw investors during periods of high volatility. Our approach is best suited to strategies with an intermediate-term time horizon and a lower ability or willingness to trade into and out of positions quickly. On the other hand, this approach captures more frequent phases than the two-state NBER strategies, thus providing more scope for generating active returns.

Other considerations

Like any other approach, our business cycle approach has limitations and requires adept interpretation in order to use the framework appropriately as part of an investment strategy. For example, identifying the current phase of the business cycle determines the underlying trend of economic activity, but that trend can always be disrupted by an exogenous shock, such as natural disasters, geopolitical events, or major policy actions. A number of factors, including a relatively slow pace of expansion or a heavy dependence on other economies or external drivers of growth, may make an economy more susceptible to such a shock. For example, Japan’s slow pace of growth since 1990 has made its economy more inclined to move quickly through the business cycle phases and more frequently into and out of recession. Meanwhile, Germany’s dependence on exports makes its business cycle more susceptible to changes in the global business cycle.

It is also important to note that we draw a distinction between developed and developing economies when mapping their business cycles. For developed economies such as the U.S., we use the classic definition of recession, involving an outright contraction in economic activity. For developing economies, we define a recession as a “growth recession.” A growth recession is a significant decline in activity relative to a country’s long-term economic potential. We adopt this definition because developing countries tend to exhibit strong trend performance driven by rapid factor accumulation and increases in productivity, and the deviation from the trend tends to matter the most for asset returns—even if there is no outright contraction in activity.

Investment implications

As a result, complementing the business cycle approach with additional strategies may further enhance the ability to generate active returns from asset allocation over time. For instance, tactical shifts in portfolio positioning may be used to mitigate the risks or opportunities presented either by the threat of external shocks or by major market moves that may be unrelated to changes in the business cycle. Another possibility is to analyze the domestic business cycle combined with the business cycles of major trading partners or the entire world, in order to capture more of the exogenous risks facing an economy.

Using additional complementary strategies may be particularly relevant during phases when the relative performance differential from the business cycle framework tends to be more muted. For example, performance differences have been less pronounced during the late-cycle phase among stocks, bonds, and cash, or the mid-cycle for equity sector relative performance. During these phases, it may make sense to take fewer active allocation tilts based on the business-cycle approach compared with other strategies.

Every business cycle is different, and so are the relative performance patterns among asset categories. However, by using a disciplined business cycle approach, it is possible to identify key phases in the economy’s natural ebb and flow. These signals can provide the potential to generate incremental returns over the intermediate term, and they can be incorporated into an asset allocation framework that analyzes underlying factors and trends across various time horizons.

Nguồn: finandlife|www.fidelity.com

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Vietnam Market Analysis With Asia Frontier Capital Vietnam Fund

by finandlife02/10/2014 09:13

AFC chính thức chạy quỹ vào tháng 12 năm 2013, với số vốn ban đầu chỉ 3.6 triệu đô, đến nay đã lên 10 triệu đô, AFC chuyên đầu tư vào những doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ tại Việt Nam, và xem đây là lợi thế của riêng mình vì những đối thủ lớn hiện tại hầu hết vẫn chọn những doanh nghiệp lớn. Ngoài ra, định giá cổ phiếu của nhóm cổ phiếu nhỏ đang khá rẻ, chỉ là 7x vào tháng 12 năm 2013, trong khi đó chỉ số này của toàn thị trường lên đến 11x vào thời điểm đó.

Trả lời câu hỏi tại sao chọn Việt Nam, AFC trả lời thị trường chứng khoán Việt Nam đã điều chỉnh rất mạnh kể từ đỉnh năm 2007, và đây là cơ hội hiếm hoi để mua hàng giá rẻ. Ngoài ra, Việt Nam có dân số trẻ, đông và có trình độ học vấn khá tốt.

Trả lời câu hỏi và xử lý nợ xấu, AFC đồng quan điểm với Andy Hồ, quá trình xử lý nợ xấu của Việt Nam diễn ra khá chậm, nhưng tin tưởng vào khả năng những khoản nợ xấu này trở nên hết xấu nhờ bất động sản tăng giá và quy mô GDP tăng trong thời gian tới.

Trả lời câu hỏi về việc lần đầu tiên Việt Nam áp thuế chống bán phá giá đối với lĩnh vực thép để bảo hộ hàng nội địa, AFC cho rằng đây là việc rất cần thiết và nên làm.

Xem bản chi tiết bên dưới.


Kinh tế VN trong mặt quỹ ngoại AFC, cập nhật 10/12/2013

Một Quỹ nước ngoài mới thành lập đầu tư chủ yếu vào Việt Nam có những nhìn nhận cập nhật về Việt Nam như sau:

1. Chi phí lao động rẻ và số người học vấn tăng: 


2. Định giá hấp dẫn:



3. Dự trữ ngoại hối tăng mạnh:


4. Môi trường chính trị ổn định:


5. Vốn hóa thị trường trên GDP thấp so với các nước trong khu vực:


6. Hàng hóa trên thị trường chứng khoán dồi dào hơn:


Nguồn: finandlife|AFC


Andreas Vogelsanger, CEO of Asia Frontier Capital Vietnam (AFC Vietnam), is bullish on Vietnam. The parent company to his fund, Asia Frontier Capital, is a public equity investment outfit that invests in emerging and frontier public equity markets across Asia in its Asia Frontier Fund. Mr. Vogelsanger works closely with Asia Frontier Capital CEO Thomas Hugger who formerly ran the public equities arm of Leopard Capital before buying out that portion of the business and rebranding it as Asia Frontier Capital.

Mr. Vogelsanger came to AFC Vietnam with 25 years of experience in the finance industry with stops at EVK Capital Singapore, Coutts Private Bank in Hong Kong and Singapore, and Bank Julius Baer in both Zurich and Singapore. AFC Vietnam launched in December 2013 as the first single country fund of Asia Frontier Capital, and the firm’s second fund. AFC Vietnam Fund distinguishes itself from many peer Vietnam funds by offering investors the opportunity to invest in the small-cap and mid-cap sector of Vietnam’s capital markets. In this interview Mr. Vogelsanger sheds some light on how Vietnam’s stock markets are doing beyond the large caps that dominate the indices.

Jon Springer: How is your fund performing compared to Vietnam’s stock exchange index which is up about 24% year-to-date?

Andreas Vogelsanger: Asia Frontier Capital Vietnam Fund launched in December 2013, just before the start of this year, and is up 27% since launch. We started small with USD 3.6 million in assets under management and are now at almost USD 10 million. We use our small size to our advantage to be more nimble in the market.

Springer: The largest investment funds to invest in Vietnam’s public equity markets are run by Dragon Capital and VinaCapital. How does your fund offer a different opportunity to engage the market?

Vogelsanger: We focus on small and mid-cap companies in Vietnam. Keep in mind, what is small-cap in Vietnam would probably be micro-cap by European standards. Funds like VinaCapital & Dragon don’t have the same flexibility because they have funds so large they cannot meaningfully invest their portfolios in companies as small as the ones we predominantly do.

Part of the issue investing in Vietnam is waiting for a revaluation of the market. When we started in December 2013, the price to earnings ratio for the whole market was around 11. Now, the market is more in-line with peers around Asia with a price to earnings ratio around 14. However, our small to mid-cap segment is still around 7 where we started off in December 2013. There hasn’t been a repricing in our sector to benefit from yet, though we think it will come. As our methodology has chosen investments well, our fund has kept up with the market even though our investment category’s price to earnings ratios have not.

At a later date, when the small to mid-cap stocks in Vietnam become more expensive, we may change strategies to meet the best opportunities the market presents.

Springer: Vietnam has experienced rapid growth and bubbles popping in the last decade. Has the government learned how to manage the economy better from the bubbles popping?

Vogelsanger: In my perception, yes. When I spoke to local people in 2013 before launching the fund, business people were not that positive. Despite this, our chief investment officer Andy Karall and myself thought that a lot of things were pointing toward a sustainable recovery.

Critics often say the government is not doing things fast enough, but this is often the case in many countries. They are tackling all the right issues and these things take time. By no means is everything perfect – but they do have sound monetary policy, currency stability, inflation under control, interest rates going lower, bank issues being addressed and FDI increasing – these are all signs of stability that should give confidence to investors.

Springer: Why did Asia Frontier Capital choose Vietnam as the first country for a single country focused fund?

Vogelsanger: The correction between 2007-2012 was almost 90% on the Ho Chi Minh stock exchange and 70% on the Hanoi stock exchange top to bottom. Corrections like these create opportunities. The Asia Frontier Fund itself has roughly 20% of holdings invested in Vietnam because of our conviction that Vietnam is a good investment.

Vietnam has a lot of other factor going for it including a population that is very well-educated compared to peer nations as noted by the OECD’s Program for International Student Assessment report, as well as a young population that works hard for low wages. [The PISA report compares education in 65 countries around the world. For methodology, you can watch this video; Vietnam's surprisingly good results - just behind Germany and well ahead of the United States - are on the below chart.]

Vietnam ranks just behind Germany in education according to 2012 results. The next tests will be in 2015. (Source: Asia Frontier Capital Vietnam; PISA; OECD)

We started investing in 2013 prior to launch with a qualitative approach built by our CIO Andy Karall that he had used in the past to see how it would work in Vietnam’s market. We successfully calibrated our model to the Vietnamese stock market and managed to significantly outperform the overall market – even much better than this year’s outperformance – so we proceeded to raise capital and launched the fund.

Another factor that benefits our focus on small to mid-cap companies is that we have very few competitors in this space. Whereas investment funds investing in large-cap companies may run into Vietnam’s limits on foreign ownership of stocks, the companies we invest in are under-invested by foreigners so we never have to concern ourselves with the foreign ownership law.

Springer: Vietnam has recently announced anti-dumping tariffs on stainless steel imports from China, Taiwan, Indonesia and Malaysia. What does this do for Vietnam’s steel producers and what does it say about government policy toward local business?

Vogelsanger: This is the first time that the government is trying to impose these type of anti-dumping tariffs. Tarriffs are now between 3% and 39% depending on the type of steel. To my knowledge, this is the first time the government is taking such strong measures to protect the domestic market. Local producers went through a lot of pain to modernize their production lines so they would have the capacity to cover domestic demand but they cannot compete with prices from other countries.

There is a question of if these tarriffs will trigger a chain of reactions. From a trading partner point of view, Taiwan and China are more important trade partners than the other countries. A trade war with these countries would not be advisable or beneficial but so far stock markets have not reacted to the news.

Springer: When it comes to Vietnam, the common point of view is that the major risk to Vietnam’s ongoing recovery is cleaning up the banking sector and its non-performing loans (NPLs). How is this progressing?

Vogelsanger: Vietnam Asset Management Company [a government agency] has been addressing the right issues of dealing with NPLs and banking regulations, but it has not yet taken on the pace one would have hoped for in terms of speed. They have been selling off the NPLs, but its not rapid enough. Andy Ho of VinaCapital [CIO of VinaCapital Vietnam Opportunity Fund and other funds] recently said in an article, “NPLs are hard to solve but Vietnam can inflate its way out of this.”

Personally, I think the problems may solve themselves if growth returns and the real estate market picks up. GDP growth at the top end is expected at best to be 6% this year. Vietnam probably needs more growth than that to clean things up, though this is just a back of the napkin estimate.

To be the next China, as I think Vietnam can be, they will need to accelerate growth to around 9%. Interestingly, Intel has said it took 14 years in China to adapt the workforce to their methods, but only took 4 years in Vietnam. Fact-based public relations like this is a big positive for Vietnam’s future growth.

* Author’s note for the purposes of comparison: Dragon Fund’s two largest funds, VEIL and VGF, were up 21.86% and 17.93% year-to-date respectively as of a September 11, 2014, update from the firm; VinaCapital’s flagship Vietnam Opportunity Fund was up 20.35% year-to-date as of September 26, 2014. All three funds are closed-end funds that currently trade at a discount which in all cases has moderated this year.


Nguồn: finandlife|http://www.forbes.com/


Economics | StockAdvisory

Kinh tế Việt Nam đang ở đâu trong lý thuyết chu kỳ?

by finandlife11/09/2014 14:22

Hiện Việt Nam đang chuyển từ đông sang xuân, kênh đầu tư được khuyến nghị theo lý thuyết này là “CHỨNG KHOÁN”.

Tình hình tổng thế:

1.    Lãi suất đã giảm mạnh trước đó, sau đó tăng do những khó khăn thanh khoản hệ thống ngân hàng giai đoạn 2011, và hiện nay giảm về vùng rất thấp. Diễn biến này khớp với chu kỳ “MÙA ĐÔNG” và “MÙA XUÂN”. Lưu ý: Việt Nam chưa xảy ra khủng hoảng tín dụng thật sự, nhưng sự mất thanh khoản và hệ thống đặt trước vấn đề sống còn trong năm 2011 được xem như “cuộc khủng hoảng kiểu Việt Nam”.

2.    Tăng trưởng tín dụng đang rất chậm chạp, phù hợp với chu kỳ của “MÙA XUÂN”.

3.    Lạm phát giảm rất nhanh và đang duy trì ở vùng thấp, phù hợp với chu kỳ của “MÙA ĐÔNG”. Lưu ý, Việt Nam là một quốc gia đang phát triển, nên không xảy ra giảm phát hoàn toàn, hiện tượng lạm phát thấp như thế này cũng được xem như “giảm phát kiểu Việt Nam”.

4.    Lòng tin người dân: Sau giai đoạn lo lắng, sợ hãi, đau khổ, tuyệt vọng, hiện Việt Nam đang chuyển sang giai đoạn “lòng tin rất mong manh”, phù hợp với chu kỳ “MÙA XUÂN”.




Nguồn: finandlife




I am currently serving as an Investment Manager at Vietcap Securities JSC, leveraging 16 years of experience in investment analysis. My journey began as a junior analyst at a fund in 2007, allowing me to cultivate a profound understanding of Vietnam's macroeconomics, conduct meticulous equity research, and actively pursue lucrative investment opportunities. Furthermore, I hold the position of Head of Derivatives, equipped with extensive knowledge and expertise in derivatives, ETFs, and CWs.


To document my insights and share personal perspectives, I maintain a private blog where I store valuable information. However, it is essential to acknowledge that the content provided on my blog is solely based on my own opinions and does not carry a guarantee of certainty. Consequently, I cannot assume responsibility for any trading or investing activities carried out based on the information shared. Nonetheless, I wholeheartedly welcome any questions or inquiries you may have. You can contact me via email at thuong.huynhngoc@gmail.com.


Thank you for your understanding, and I eagerly anticipate engaging with you on topics concerning investments and finance.

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