Yesterday I turned 40.
Here are 20 helpful lessons I've learned during my life.
1. The 2nd biggest difference between success & failure is persistence.
2. The biggest difference between success & failure is getting started.
3. 100% of people are out for themselves, even if it doesn't appear so.
4. Comparing yourself to others is the easiest way to get distracted.
5. It's difficult to build a work ethic without the right environment.
6. The most important skill to learn is how to learn on your own.
7. If you have a 10-year plan, you'll outperform most people.
8. Getting 1% better at something means leaping millions.
9. Everyone has knowledge that other people will pay for.
10. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being selfish.
11. 10% of people will hate what you do no matter what.
12. If you can't teach yourself, you'll always be a liability.
13. Don't spend time with people who don't reciprocate.
14. You won't do anything special without risk.
15. Divorce from anyone who drains you.
16. Time is the single greatest asset.
17. Money is not the root of all evil.
18. You can't say yes to everyone.
19. Consistency trumps all traits.
20. Nearly everyone is winging it.
While I'm bummed to leave my 30s, my wife always reminds me:
"Not everyone gets to be 40."
Source: Linkedin